My Memories by Joe Bell

Leadgate my place of birth. Born 10th March 1948 at 4 Durham Road at the lights.

Durham Road, Leadgate – a Then and Now

Next door was my great uncle Willies Cobblers, which became Susan’s boutique.

From my front window I looked up at St Ives Road.

To my left was Watling Street and to my right Durham Road.

I was educated well enough by Joe Kelly, Veronica Crawford, Mr Cody, Vera McGurk and Annie Hughes.

I was an apprentice electrician at the CIC. Memories are so precious,

I remember trying to sail across Sprys pond in a bath tub. I never said I was the full shilling.

I had a crush on Patricia McCabe but was too scared to tell her. If she is still about and reads this, I didn’t half fancy you. Ann Parker was another stunner.

Played rugby for Consett third team. We were rubbish.

Stood in line with Union flag in hand to wave at royalty as the car went up to Consett.

Harry Sumner the Bobbie used to sit in our front room waiting for drunks coming out of Olive Hills,Queens Head and the McGurks Coach and Horses.

Queens Head, Leadgate image from Raines Antiques collection
A postcard of the crossroads at Leadgate – card by R Johnston and Sons of Gateshead Postcards

They “made” a huge number of picture postcards late 1890;s into the early 1900;s

When we moved to North Cross Street the netty was outside. just over the road a murder took place.

As our house was an end house the Bobbies all rested against the gable end.

Every time I went to the netty one of them would question me about the murder.

Of course I knew nowt.

Now 22 years old, I joined the army. Met a girl and married and have two sons. sorry my memories are not that fantastic but at least you got them now.