
Rington Stamps and What Memories do you Have?

Our regular contributor The Leadgate Resident has kindly provided 2 images about stamps that were collectable from Ringtons similar to Green Shield Stamps & Co-Op Divi Did you get deliveries or may still do from Ringtons? Did a family member work for them? Please do share any memories or pictures

Open Fire Memories

From Leadgate Resident I’m sitting out in my garden on this lovely autumnal evening with my fire pit embers glowing in the dark and I’ve just made toast on it. Who can remember as a kid been at your grandparents and the toasting fork suddenly appeared and they started to do toast or crumpets on …

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Hat and Feather- What are your Memories

The Hat and Feather Pub up the hill away from Leadgate towards Medomsley and Ebchester is going through a restoration to housing but has been a local landmark and place to meet, drink and eat over the years What are your memories

Leadgate Surgery Opening

Thanks to Leadgate Resident for getting in touch Having been to the doctor’s yesterday for my flu jab, last night while sorting through a box of my photos etc I came across this clipping from the Consett and Stanley advertiser, the date on the photo is the week the newspaper came out.

School Report Memories

Who remembers this, this book followed you through all five years of senior school. It contained your winter and summer exam results year on year,and the subject teachers comments. Having just re-read mine it would appear I liked to chat alot and was capable of much better. Thanks again to the Leadgate Resident for sharing …

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School Holiday Memories

Latest contribution from the Leadgate Resident As summer has changed now to autumn I’m remembering days gone by when the school summer 6 weeks holidays came along,not a care in the world. Me and the lads going down stoney lane to the old tip looking for old pram wheels to make a boogie or afew old …

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