Memories of Ledgate Junior School by John Pears

John Pears commented on the Facebook group for memories of the Junior School and has agreed for it to be shared

Moved to Leadgate Juniors (from Consett Infants) in 1967.

I remember Mr Nattrass and Mr Barnett but can’t remember the other 2 teachers I had.

Mr Hall had a real focus on a italic writing (bizarre) and music (brilliant).

I also remember spending a lot of time in top class juniors doing a massive project about CIC that was apparently going to a school in America- wonder what happened to all our work on that project which ran most of the year.

In 69-70 we were part of the first year to see sex education broadcasts by BBC – had to get permission from parents to watch and woe betide anyone who laughed during the broadcasts!

What are your own memories of the Junior School?

Can anyone remember more about the CIC project which school in USA and if by any chance any pictures of it were taken?

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