World War Two Memories-Request for Help


Did you live in County Durham during the war or were close with someone who did? Were you born before 1960 and grew up in County Durham?

I’m a final year student of History at Durham University, undertaking a dissertation on the oral history of County Durham at war. I’m looking for people with direct and indirect experiences of living in County Durham during the Second World War to interview as part of my research. Due to the time elapsed since the war, I’m happy to interview those who were born soon after the war and had close connections to those who lived in County Durham during the war (e.g. those with parents or other relatives who lived in County Durham). It would be great to hear your experiences and memories of wartime County Durham!

If you or anyone you know falls into these categories please get in touch:


Telephone: 07935 950 121

Thank you very much in advance!

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