A Wartime (World War 2) Wedding

Iris Sweet Writes

Dear Richard

Following on from your post on the Leadgate Facebook Page, I have attached a photo of my mum & dad’s wedding.

Harold Williams and Beattie Peacock (mum was from Front Street, Leadgate and dad was from Wiltshire)

This took place at St. Ives Church on 23rd April, 1945.

They were married by special licence. Dad had 3 days leave to get the licence from the Bishop of Durham, get married and then go back to war.

It was a typical wartime wedding, rushed through and items borrowed from friends & family.

They moved to Wiltshire when dad eventually came home and were happily married until dad passed away in 1982.

I hope this can me included in the archive.

Best wishes

Iris Sweet 

Harold Williams and Beattie Peacock (mum was from Front Street, Leadgate and dad was from Wiltshire) at St. Ives Church on 23rd April, 1945. picture provided by Iris Sweet

Do you remember the William’s?

Do you or family have Leadgate Wedding stories and pictures to share- if so please do get in touch

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